Results for 'Claudio de Cicco'

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  1.  30
    As noções de Polidoxia e de diferenciais de poder no contexto da relação entre imaginários e diálogos inter-religiosos.Cláudio de Oliveira Ribeiro - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (45):40-67.
    The research sought to systematize two notions around interreligious relations which aim to deconstruct imaginaries of an idealist tendency that often emerge from practices and forms of inter-religious ecumenism: that of power differentials present in society and in interreligious relations and the concept of polidoxy, which would avoid dichotomous and bipolar interpretations and actions. Methodologically, we adopted the process of synthesis of perspectives derived from postcolonial cultural studies – by different authors – and from the feminist theological critique of Kwok (...)
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    Pluralismo religioso, direitos humanos e democracia.Cláudio de Oliveira Ribeiro - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (40):1805.
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    (1 other version)Editorial Preface.Claudio de Almeida - 2005 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 50 (4).
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    Triphiodorus, The Sack of Troy. A General Study and a Commentary by Laura Miguélez-Cavero.Claudio De Stefani - 2015 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 108 (2):308-310.
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    Revisitando a experiência dos Programas Profissionais da área Ciências da Religião e Teologia/CAPES no Brasil.Flávio Senra, Claudio de Oliveira Ribeiro & Dilaine Soares Sampaio - 2020 - Horizonte 18 (55):324.
    A pesquisa foi desenvolvida considerando-se o debate sobre a especificidade da Pós-Graduação Profissional no âmbito da área Ciências da Religião e Teologia, da Capes, órgão que no Ministério da Educação brasileiro acompanha e avalia o Sistema Nacional de Pós-Graduação. O objetivo principal das análises feitas foi construir um panorama de questões em torno do trabalho realizado pelos cursos de mestrados profissionais, incluindo os resultados por eles alcançados, somado a um elenco de aspectos que têm sido identificados como desafiadores para o (...)
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  6. Explaining Knowledge: New Essays on the Gettier Problem.Rodrigo Borges Claudio de Almeida & Peter Klein (eds.) - forthcoming - Oxford University Press.
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    Phantasy-Ego, Image Consciousness and Aesthetic Experience : Phenomenological Approaches.Claudio Rozzoni & Luís de Sousa - 2019 - Phainomenon 29 (1):5-8.
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    Linguagem em contextos.Maria Cecilia Mollica & Claudio de Paiva Franco (eds.) - 2014 - [Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]: 7 Letras.
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    A teologia latino-americana diante do pluralismo religioso (Latin American theology and religious pluralism) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n32p1436. [REVIEW]Cláudio de Oliveira Ribeiro - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1436-1460.
    Análise dos principais desafios do pluralismo religioso para o contexto teológico latino-americano. Como resultado de nossa pesquisa, formulamos três eixos norteadores da temática: I. A importância pública das religiões para os processos de promoção da paz e da justiça, associada ao valor da mística e da alteridade na formação de espiritualidades ecumênicas e como elas incidirão nos processos religiosos e sociais, favorecendo perspectivas utópicas, democráticas e doadoras de sentido. II. A necessidade de mudança de lugar teológico a partir da realidade (...)
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    Ontologia e história.Henrique Cláudio de Lima Vaz - 1968 - São Paulo,: Duas Cidades.
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    A Review of the Method of Using the Scalp Electric Field in EEG Analysis. [REVIEW]Claudio Carvalhaes & de Barros - 2015 - Cosmos and History 11 (2):154-159.
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    Teilhard de Chardin e a Questão de Deus.Henrique Cláudio de Lima Vaz - 2005 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 61 (1):137 - 158.
    O presente artigo pretende mostrar por que é que a actualidade de Teilhard de Chardin é hoje imune às vicissitudes dos tempos e a sua obra se transformou num verdadeiro clássico do pensamento cristão no século XX. Mostra-se, com efeito, o valor permanente da mensagem teilhardiana, mensagem esta que importa acolher com entusiasmo renovado no momento em que se comemoram os primeiros 50 anos depois da morte do grande cientista e pensador. Neste sentido, o artigo mostra de que modo a (...)
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    A contribuição de Dermeval Saviani no campo da Filosofia da Educação: reflexões acerca do currículo.Carolina Nozella Gama & Cláudio de Lira Santos Júnior - 2016 - Filosofia E Educação 8 (3):57.
    Este artigo é parte do estudo de doutorado que investigou a concepção de currículo na obra de Dermeval Saviani. O levantamento da produção do autor permitiu-nos identificar que a mesma se concentra, prioritariamente, em quatro grandes áreas: estrutura e política educacional; filosofia da educação; história da educação e teoria pedagógica. Tomamos para análise, neste artigo, as contribuições no campo da filosofia da educação. Concluímos que o autor articula pressupostos ontológicos, gnosiológicos, axiológicos e teleológicos, sustentando uma concepção histórico-crítica de currículo a (...)
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    Judicialização da Política, Auto-restrição judicial e a Defesa da Constituição: algumas lições de Carl Schmitt em Der Hüter der Verfassung.Claudio Ladeira de Oliveira - 2020 - Doispontos 17 (2).
    Neste artigo texto apresento uma interpretação de algumas das principais teses de Carl Schmitt em sua obra Der Hüter der Verfassung, O Guardião da Constituição. Inicialmente, apresento a definição schmittiana de “guardião da Constituição”, por oposição a um “senhor e soberano da Constituição”, comparando-a com as teses de Adrian Vermeule sobre o “constitucionalismo de otimização”. Em seguida utilizo esses conceitos para discutir as teses de Schmitt sobre a função do presidente do Reich como guardião da Constituição; a defesa de uma (...)
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    A herança da filosofia deweyana: influência na vida e obra de Anísio Teixeira.Claudio Luis de Alvarenga Barbosa - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 17 (34):65-80.
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  16. (1 other version)A Interpretação Constitucional Contemporânea entre o Construtivismo eo Pragmatismo.Cláudio Pereira de Souza Neto - 2005 - In Antonio Cavalcanti Maia, Perspectivas atuais da filosofia do direito. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Lumen Juris.
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  17. Defeasibility and Gettierization: A Reminder.Claudio de Almeida & J. R. Fett - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (1):152-169.
    For some of us, the defeasibility theory of knowledge remains the most plausible approach to the Gettier Problem. Epistemological fashion and faded memories notwithstanding, persuasive objections to the theory are very hard to find. The most impressive of those objections to the theory that have hitherto gone unanswered are examined and rejected here. These are objections put forward by Richard Feldman, Richard Foley, and John Turri. While these are all interesting, the objection recently put forward by Turri is, we think, (...)
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    Nonniana.Claudio de Stefani - 1999 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 143 (2):336-343.
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    Analysing the contentious Anarchy-Utopia nexus: the French case.Claudio De Boni - 2016 - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 9 (1).
    Anarchy and utopia have traditionally had a contentious relationship throughout the history of political thought. Although some anarchic thinkers have occasionally verged on the utopian genre – for instance, French anarchists Joseph Déjacque and Jean Grave, or anarcho-syndicalists Émile Pataud and Émile Pouget – the anarchic mindset has generally shown a deeply-rooted mistrust towards any representation of systematically planned ideal societies, often seen as intellectualist and fundamentally authoritarian projects.
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  20. On our epistemological debt to Moore and Russell.Claudio de Almeida - 2018 - In Markos Valaris & Stephen Hetherington, Knowledge in Contemporary Philosophy. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing.
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    Pluralismo e religiões: a questão cristológica em foco (Pluralism and religions: Christology in focus).Cláudio de Oliveira Ribeiro - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (29):353-380.
    O texto apresenta uma perspectiva cristológica plural na relação interreligiosa, a partir da visão de que cada expressão religiosa tem a sua proposta salvífica e de fé que devem ser aceitas, respeitadas, valorizadas e aprimoradas a partir de um diálogo e aproximação mútuas. Tal perspectiva não anula nem diminui o valor das identidades religiosas - no caso da fé cristã, a importância de Cristo -, mas leva-as a um aprofundamento e amadurecimento, movidos pelo diálogo e pela confrontação justa, amável e (...)
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  22. (1 other version)Recalcitrant Disagreement in Mathematics: An “Endless and Depressing Controversy” in the History of Italian Algebraic Geometry.Silvia De Toffoli & Claudio Fontanari - 2023 - Global Philosophy 33 (38):1-29.
    If there is an area of discourse in which disagreement is virtually absent, it is mathematics. After all, mathematicians justify their claims with deductive proofs: arguments that entail their conclusions. But is mathematics really exceptional in this respect? Looking at the history and practice of mathematics, we soon realize that it is not. First, deductive arguments must start somewhere. How should we choose the starting points (i.e., the axioms)? Second, mathematicians, like the rest of us, are fallible. Their ability to (...)
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    Valores, Estratégias de Pesquisa e Aplicação do Conhecimento: Os Campos Sulinos em Questão.Claudio Ricardo Martins dos Reis & Valerio De Patta Pillar - 2018 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 22 (3):461-483.
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  24. What Moore’s Paradox Is About.Claudio de Almeida - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 62 (1):33-58.
    On the basis of arguments showing that none of the most influential analyses of Moore’s paradox yields a successful resolution of the problem, a new analysis of it is offered. It is argued that, in attempting to render verdicts of either inconsistency or self-contradiction or self-refutation, those analyses have all failed to satisfactorily explain why a Moore-paradoxical proposition is such that it cannot be rationally believed. According to the proposed solution put forward here, a Moore-paradoxical proposition is one for which (...)
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    Epistemic closure, skepticism and defeasibility.Claudio de Almeida - 2012 - Synthese 188 (2):197-215.
    Those of us who have followed Fred Dretske’s lead with regard to epistemic closure and its impact on skepticism have been half-wrong for the last four decades. But those who have opposed our Dretskean stance, contextualists in particular, have been just wrong. We have been half-right. Dretske rightly claimed that epistemic status is not closed under logical implication. Unlike the Dretskean cases, the new counterexamples to closure offered here render every form of contextualist pro-closure maneuvering useless. But there is a (...)
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    The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy.Daniele De Santis, Burt C. Hopkins & Claudio Majolino (eds.) - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    "Phenomenology was one of the twentieth century's major philosophical movements, and it continues to be a vibrant and widely studied subject today with relevance beyond philosophy in areas such as medicine and cognitive sciences. The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy is an outstanding guide and reference source to this important and fascinating topic. Comprising seventy-five chapters by a team of international contributors, the Handbook offers unparalleled coverage of the subject, and is divided into five clear parts: Phenomenology and (...)
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  27. Moorean absurdity : an epistemological analysis.Claudio de Almeida - 2007 - In Mitchell S. Green & John N. Williams, Moore’s Paradox: New Essays on Belief, Rationality, and the First Person. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    If You Are Old, Videos Look Slow. The Paradoxical Effect of Age-Related Motor Decline on the Kinematic Interpretation of Visual Scenes.Claudio de’Sperati, Marco Granato & Michela Moretti - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Perception and action are tightly coupled. However, there is still little recognition of how individual motor constraints impact perception in everyday life. Here we asked whether and how the motor slowing that accompanies aging influences the sense of visual speed. Ninety-four participants aged between 18 and 90 judged the natural speed of video clips reproducing real human or physical motion. They also performed a finger tapping task and a visual search task, which estimated their motor speed and visuospatial attention speed, (...)
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    Epistemic Closure and Epistemological Optimism.Claudio de Almeida - 2020 - Philosophia 49 (1):113-131.
    Half a century later, a Dretskean stance on epistemic closure remains a minority view. Why? Mainly because critics have successfully poked holes in the epistemologies on which closure fails. However, none of the familiar pro-closure moves works against the counterexamples on display here. It is argued that these counterexamples pose the following dilemma: either accept that epistemic closure principles are false, and steal the thunder from those who attack classical logic on the basis of similarly problematic cases—specifically, relevance logicians and (...)
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    Cultos de matriz africana: análise antirracista e decolonial sobre a imunidade tributária em Poções-BA.Antonio Leandro Fagundes Sarno & Cláudio Oliveira de Carvalho - 2023 - Odeere 8 (1):302-321.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo refletir sobre o racismo institucional que é perpetuado na manutenção da cobrança do Imposto sobre a Propriedade Territorial Urbana (IPTU) aos terreiros no município de Poções, na Bahia, bem como sobre a necessidade da implementação de políticas públicas e de uma hermenêutica jurídica decolonial que valorizem a cultura afrodiaspórica. O estudo se ancorou à luz da Constituição Federal de 1988, trazendo destaque para a discussão do racismo dentro das políticas públicas, os conceitos de tributo e (...)
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    The End of the “Nonnian School”.Claudio De Stefani - 2014 - In Konstantinos Spanoudakis, Nonnus of Panopolis in Context: Poetry and Cultural Milieu in Late Antiquity with a Section on Nonnus and the Modern World. De Gruyter. pp. 375-402.
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    O caráter político da jurisdição constitucional: uma abordagem a partir de Carl Schmitt.Cláudio Ladeira de Oliveira - 2022 - Princípios 29 (60):163-189.
    Neste artigo, analiso o modo como Carl Schmitt define a natureza política da jurisdição constitucional a partir de seus trabalhos redigidos nos anos derradeiros da República de Weimar: “O Conceito do Político” e “O Guardião da Constituição”. Tento contrastar suas respostas com abordagens algumas contemporâneas. Em especial, sua tese sobre a diferença entre a “alta política” e “política secundária” são imprescindíveis para compreender sua defesa de uma concepção de Estado de Direito respeitosa à “separação de poderes” e sua posição quanto (...)
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  33. Russell on Meaning and Denotation: The Argument of 'on Denoting'.Claudio de Almeida - 1992 - Dissertation, Mcmaster University (Canada)
    The aim of the thesis is twofold. Firstly, it is argued that Frege's theory of meaning and denotation is the first successful non-psychologistic response to what has been called 'the puzzle of identity' and that, where Frege's theory differs most significantly from the theory of meaning and denotation developed by Russell in The Principles of Mathematics and in his unpublished manuscripts on logic of 1903-1905, Russell was right. Secondly, it is shown that Russell was again right when he claimed that (...)
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  34. Objectivity and Rigor in Classical Italian Algebraic Geometry.Silvia De Toffoli & Claudio Fontanari - 2022 - Noesis 38:195-212.
    The classification of algebraic surfaces by the Italian School of algebraic geometry is universally recognized as a breakthrough in 20th-century mathematics. The methods by which it was achieved do not, however, meet the modern standard of rigor and therefore appear dubious from a contemporary viewpoint. In this article, we offer a glimpse into the mathematical practice of the three leading exponents of the Italian School of algebraic geometry: Castelnuovo, Enriques, and Severi. We then bring into focus their distinctive conception of (...)
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  35. Racionalidade epistêmica e o Paradoxo de Moore.Cláudio de Almeida - 2009 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 54 (2):48-73.
    G. E. Moore identified a peculiar form of epistemic irrationality. Wittgenstein called it “Moore’s Paradox”. Neither of them knew exactly what he was talking about. And yet, the vast literature on the problem leaves no room for doubt: the paradox is deep; its resolution, elusive. But, up until now, we haven’t been in a position to appreciate its importance for contemporary epistemology. This paper puts forward an epistemological solution to the paradox. It also seeks to show that the paradox yields (...)
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    A fundamentação da felicidade em Marx.Claudio Luis de Alvarenga Barbosa - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 20 (39):147-162.
    Ao mostrar que não existe ética independente dos interesses fundamentalmente econômicos dos homens, Marx admite que numa sociedade dividida em classes não existe uma ética acima dessas classes. Isso nos leva a inferir que em uma sociedade de classes antagônicas não existe uma noção de felicidade que sirva igualmente para todas essas classes. O que existe é um conceito de felicidade em forma de ideologia que expressa interesses da classe dominante. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é discutir o conceito de (...)
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    Phaenomenologia sub specie Platonis.Daniele de Santis & Claudio Majolino - 2020 - Studia Phaenomenologica 20:11-24.
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    Moore′s paradox generalized.Claudio de Almeida - 2022 - Theoria 88 (6):1111-1127.
    Moore′s paradox came of age when John N. Williams gave us a simple paradoxical argument according to which the Moorean believer must hold false belief while believing contingent propositions. Simplicity was key; it was groundbreaking for the topic. On Williams′s account, given only the notions of inconsistency and self‐refutation, the thesis that belief distributes over conjunction, and a tiny bit of classical logic, we can derive a paradox from the Moorean propositional schemata. But, as argued here, it′s easy to overestimate (...)
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    Neogenomic events challenge current models of heritability, neuronal plasticity dynamics, and machine learning.Cláudio Eduardo Corrêa Teixeira, Nelson Monte de Carvalho-Filho & Luiz Carlos de Lima Silveira - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (5):379-380.
    We address current needs for neogenomics-based theoretical and computational approaches for several neuroscience research fields, from investigations of heritability properties, passing by investigations of spatiotemporal dynamics in the neuromodulatory microcircuits involved in perceptual learning and attentional shifts, to the application of genetic algorithms to create robots exhibiting ongoing emergence.
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    Ação Penal 937: o foro por prerrogativa de função e a judicialização da política.Gabriela Mafra & Claudio Ladeira de Oliveira - 2019 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 17 (2).
    Tem-se como temática central a atuação do poder judiciário no Brasil, em especial, do Supremo Tribunal Federal em relação ao fenômeno da judicialização da política. Por meio do estudo de processo judicial, a Ação Penal 937 no Supremo Tribunal Federal, procura-se constatar o movimento ativista de juízes que ganha forçano Brasil e no mundo, desde o fim da segunda guerra mundial. Tal prática, que se justifica na efetivação de direitos humanos e utiliza a retórica neoconstitucionalista, fere a separação de poderes (...)
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    Die Hiatregel in den Jamben von Gregor von Nazianz.Claudio De Stefani - 2020 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 113 (3):717-732.
    In the Iambs of Gregory of Nazianzus occur many hiatuses: this might suggest that his verses had been composed with carelessness. In fact, if we examine the various kinds of hiatuses, we notice that some of them should not be considered as such, because they occur after words, or along with iuncturae, that usually admit them. There remains, however, a considerable number of hiatus in caesura. The article strives to demonstrate that these hiatuses are due to the imitation of the (...)
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    A qualidade da amizade: adaptação e validação dos questionários McGill.Luciana Karine de Souza & Claudio Simon Hutz - 2007 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 25:82-96.
    O objetivo deste estudo é adaptar e validar (validade de construto) os Questionários McGill de Amizade para uso com população adulta no Brasil. Estes instrumentos avaliam a qualidade da amizade através da percepção do indivíduo sobre funções do amigo, satisfação com a amizade, e sentimentos positivo..
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    Contribuições À Educação Técnico-Científica Em Heisenberg e Heidegger.Paulo Rogério Garcez de Moura, André Luís Silva da Silva, Diogo Onofre Gomes de Souza & José Cláudio Del Pino - 2013 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 20:179-199.
    Apresentaremos as possíveis aplicações pedagógicas das suas reflexões, como a utilização da imprecisão científica de Heisenberg e da concepção de técnica em Heidegger, a partir da análise histórico-filosófica dos seus escritos, tomando-os como fundamentação a necessária e significativa melhoria da educação técnico-científica.
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  44. Closure, defeasibility and conclusive reasons.Claudio de Almeida - 2007 - Acta Analytica 22 (4):301 - 319.
    It is argued, on the basis of new counterexamples, that neither knowledge nor epistemic justification (or “epistemic rationality”) can reasonably be thought to be closed under logical implication. The argument includes an attempt to reconcile the fundamental intuitions of the opposing parties in the debate.
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    Elders’ experience with augmented gaze: preliminary observations.Claudio de’Sperati, Jacopo Ippolito, Roberto Cozzi, Emil Rosenlund Høeg, Gabriel Baud-Bovy, Michela Moretti & Vittorio Dalmasso - 2023 - Gestalt Theory 45 (1-2):115-119.
    Research on elders’ acceptance of virtual technologies is much needed. Here we studied the user experience of elders (N = 10, mean age = 88.2 years) during virtual biking, an exergame where participants pedal on a cycle ergometer and wear a Head-Mounted Display that provides them an immersive experience of a bike ride. We tested the effects of augmented gaze on user experience. Augmented gaze is a condition in which horizontal head turns yield amplified visual shifts, which is assumed to (...)
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    Abkürzungsverzeichnis.Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques, Robert Louden, Claudio La Rocca & Bernd Dörflinger - 2015 - In Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques, Robert Louden, Claudio La Rocca & Bernd Dörflinger, Kant's Lectures / Kants Vorlesungen. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Anonymity and Asynchronicity as Key Design Dimensions for the Reciprocity of Online Democratic Deliberation.Leandro De Brasi & Claudio Gutierrez - 2020 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 34 (2):183-200.
    The aim of this paper is to identify, given certain democratic normative standards regarding deliberation, some pros as well as cons of possible online deliberation designs due to variations in two key design dimensions: namely, asynchronicity and anonymity. In particular, we consider one crucial aspect of deliberative argumentation: namely, its reciprocity, which puts interaction centre stage to capture the back-and-forth of reasons. More precisely, we focus on two essential features of the deliberative interaction: namely, its listening widely and listening carefully. (...)
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    itsme: Interaction Design Innovating Workstations.Giorgio De Michelis, Marco Loregian & Claudio Moderini - 2009 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 22 (1):71-78.
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    The New Posidippus: A Hellenistic Poetry Book.Claudio De Stefani - 2007 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 100 (3):316-318.
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    Resenha do livro Sociedade do Cansaço de Byung-Chul Han.Carla Mireli Cachoeira de Oliveira, Cecilia Nascimento da Silva, Gisele Viana Lima, Guilherme Maia Quintela, Luis Claudio Correia Barreto & Débora Leitão Leal - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10 (2).
    HAN, Byung-Chul. Sociedade do cansaço. Vozes, Petrópolis: 2017.
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